Foundation Engineering Consultants, Inc., F.EC., is here to provide you timely and practical geotechnical engineering services & recommendations.
Our specialties include soils reports for all kinds of structures and the design of excavation shoring systems.
We go where your project is & no job is too small. Residential jobs are welcome.
Foundation Engineering Consultants, Inc., FEC, is an International Geotechnical Engineering firm based in California. We provide geotechnical engineering services (soils report), retaining wall plans & shoring design plans. The firm has registered professional engineers and a certified engineering geologist. The engineers have extensive experience in soils, foundations and excavation support systems design while the engineering geologist has over 30 years of experience in California Geology. We specialize in geotechnical engineering reports & earth retention design projects. Your City or County may require a geotechnical soils report if you have significant size addition, new structure or are in a geologic hazard area. Geotechnical engineering reports usually take three weeks to prepare. Retaining walls & shoring design plans also take about three weeks turnaround. If our schedule allows, we will offer you expedited service. Most of our soils reports include recommendations for grading, foundation design and retaining walls parameters. Thus far, we have prepared soils investigation reports for residences, industrial buildings, medical buildings, retail structures, pre-engineered metal buildings, worship buildings, failed slope projects, Homeowner Associations and shoring/underpinning projects.
Foundation Engineering Consultants prepares soils report and designs retaining structures and excavation shoring throughout California.
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